Sunday 5 April 2009

Just an update

Guess it's time for an update... We haven't been doing much lately, especially when concerning writing, due to Rory's missing finger tips. Good news is that they're almost grown back now, he just has scabs on the ends now, so he'll be back playing and writing in no time.

Anyone interested in a free track should go here:

We're on this months Atrocious Records' downloadable compilation with a bunch of bands with names such as:
Hung With His Own Intestines, Brainspewer and Cum Sock

I wonder if they're actually being serious with names like that... anyway, our track is in the link below, enjoy.

Booking for tour seems to be going well, a lot of interest but only a few 100% confirmed dates. Check our myspace for updates on shows, and message us on there or here: if you can help us out.

We have some awesome shows coming up in the UK April/May/June time - screw your exams and revision and come and see us, again the dates and flyers are on our page. You can also find a new track on our page, it's off the Ding Dong Dead split, enjoy
